Strategy for setting up test envinronment

Test Environment usually has three main components: procedures, software, and hardware. The last two constitute a test lab.

In terms of procedures, you need to specify what are the rules of using the test environment, whose responsibility it is to deploy a new version, whom do you turn to if something is not working (e.g., the DB server), how the test engineers will know what version is deployed, how do you decide on what software and hardware you want to run your regression tests.

The hardware should allow you to run your tests. It usually depends on whether or not you use performance testing - if yes, you need load stations with reasonable memory; whether or not you need to execute tests for mobile devices - if yes, you either need the devices or rent a cloud; whether or not you need to have a separate copy of the database(s), etc. Of course, you need a number of machines for the front-end.

The software should mimic the target user environment - e.g., the database, app back-end, etc. You might also consider applications for test data generation, automation tools, performance monitoring. Another important thing is to have copies of the browsers you want to test on. I usually recommend to have a library of ghost images which you can load on your lab machines quickly. Or even a number of separate work stations - all depends on how strongly your applications depend on the OS rather than the browser.

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