CMMI Levels and 22 Key Process Areas

There are five CMM levels, of which Level 5 is the highest.

CMM Level 1 is called "Initial". The software process is at CMM Level 1, if it is an ad hoc process. At CMM Level 1, few processes are defined, and success, in general, depends on individual effort and heroism.

CMM Level 2 is called "Repeatable". The software process is at CMM Level 2, if the subject company has some basic project management processes, in order to track cost, schedule, and functionality. Software processes are at CMM Level 2, if necessary processes are in place, in order to repeat earlier successes on projects with similar applications. Software processes are at CMM Level 2, if there are requirements management, project planning, project tracking, subcontract management, QA, and configuration management.

CMM Level 3 is called "Defined". The software process is at CMM Level 3, if the software process is documented, standardized, and integrated into a standard software process for the subject company. The software process is at CMM Level 3, if all projects use approved, tailored versions of the company's standard software process for developing and maintaining software. Software processes are at CMM Level 3, if there are process definition, training programs, process focus, integrated software management, software product engineering, intergroup coordination, and peer reviews.

CMM Level 4 is called "Managed". The software process is at CMM Level 4, if the subject company collects detailed data on the software process and product quality, and if both the software process and the software products are quantitatively understood and controlled. Software processes are at CMM Level 4, if there are software quality management (SQM), and quantitative process management.

CMM Level 5 is called "Optimized". The software process is at CMM Level 5, if there is continuous process improvement, if there is quantitative feedback from the process, and from piloting innovative ideas and technologies. Software processes are at CMM Level 5, if there are process change management, and defect prevention technology change management.

These Key Process Areas in CMMI Level are indicated in the below table.

Abbreviation Name Area Maturity Level
REQM Requirements Management Engineering 2

PMC Project Monitoring and Control Project Management 2

PP Project Planning Project Management 2

SAM Supplier Agreement Management Project Management 2

CM Configuration Management Support 2

MA Measurement and Analysis Support 2

PPQA Process and Product Quality Assurance Support 2

PI Product Integration Engineering 3

RD Requirements Development Engineering 3

TS Technical Solution Engineering 3

VAL Validation Engineering 3

VER Verification Engineering 3

OPD Organizational Process Definition Process Management 3

OPF Organizational Process Focus Process Management 3

OT Organizational Training Process Management 3

IPM Integrated Project Management Project Management 3

RSKM Risk Management Project Management 3

DAR Decision Analysis and Resolution Support 3

OPP Organizational Process Performance Process Management 4

QPM Quantitative Project Management Project Management 4

OID Organizational Innovation and Deployment Process Management 5


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